Indeed, I believe that virtually every important aspect
of programming arises somewhere in the context of sorting or
searching! (Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer
Programming, Volume 3, "Sorting and Searching")
Standard order of terms
The standard order of terms imposes the
following order on
Prolog terms:
variables ≺ numbers ≺ atoms ≺ compound terms
It is subject to the following additional rules:
Numbers are compared by value.
All floating point numbers precede all integers.
Atoms are compared alphabetically.
Compound terms are first sorted by their arity, then
alphabetically by their functor name, and finally recursively
by their arguments, leftmost argument first.
To compare arbitrary terms according to the standard order,
use the
predicates (@<)/2, (@=<)/2, compare/3
and others. A major drawback of these predicates is that they are
not true relations. For example:
?- a @< b.
Yet the more general query fails:
?- a @< X.
This violates properties we expect
from pure predicates and
prevents declarative debugging.
Therefore, it is good practice to use dedicated comparison
predicates with more declarative properties for specific domains.
For example, in the case of integers, use the
CLP(FD) constraints(#<)/2, (#=<)/2
and zcompare/3 instead, in addition to other relations
that are provided by your Prolog system.
Sorting Prolog terms
The ISO predicates sort/2 and keysort/2 are the
most important predicates for sorting arbitrary
Prolog terms. Both predicates refer to
the standard order of terms. In
sort(Ls0, Ls) is true iff the
listLs holds the elements
of the list Ls0, sorted according to the
standard order of terms. Ls contains
no duplicates.
Pairs): Pairs0 and Pairs are lists
of Key-Valuepairs. True
iff Pairs0 sorted by Key according to the
standard order of terms is Pairs, where
duplicates are retained, and the order of multiple
elements with the same key is also retained. A
sorting algorithm where the relative positions of
equal elements are retained is called stable.
keysort/2 in particular is much more useful than it may
look at first. For example, let us sort the following lists
by their lengths:
To solve this task, let us first define a relation between a
single list and a pair of the
form Length-List, which is simply infix notation for the
Prolog term -(Length, List). We define this relation
by using the
predicate list_length/2 that we
defined earlier:
list_pair(Ls, L-Ls) :-
list_length(Ls, L).
Using maplist/3, we
can lift this relation to lists of lists and pairs:
Thus, to obtain a list Ls with minimum length, we
can simply write Pairs = [_-Ls|_]. To obtain a list
with maximum length, we have the following options: Either
we define the relation between a list and its last
element, or we modify list_pair/2 to use
the negated length as the key of
each pair, and again take the first element of the
keysorted list. Negating the length ensures that a list
with maximum length appears as part of the first pair.
In general, by constructing pairs with
suitable keys, you can delegate sorting
to keysort/2 in a way that suits your application.
Implementing sorting algorithms in Prolog
Sometimes, you want to implement your own version of a
sorting algorithm
in Prolog.
Prolog implementations of the following sorting algorithms are
bubble sort
merge sort.
A few benchmarks and comments are also included.
In particular, consider how naturally quicksort can be
described in Prolog with a DCG:
This definition assumes the existence of partition/4,
relating a list Ls to its elements that are,
respectively, smaller and greater than
the pivot elementL.
In general, it is often better to simply use the built-in
predicates sort/2 and keysort/2 for sorting.
Searching with Prolog
There is an intimate connection between Prolog
and searching. First, Prolog's execution strategy is
already a form of search. It is called depth-first
search with chronological backtracking and can be regarded as
a special case of resolution. Prolog is eminently
well-suited for solving search tasks already due to this efficient
built-in implementation of backtracking. Second, other search
strategies can be readily implemented on top of the
built-in strategy. For example, it is easy to
obtain iterative deepening by restricting some aspects
of the search.
Many Prolog programs search for something, such
as proofs and counterexamples, or
solutions of optimization tasks
or logic puzzles. Still, it is often
better to think about these programs as—first and
foremost—describing the desired properties of a
solution. This leads to a more declarative view that lets you use
these programs also in other directions.
For example, suppose we want to find the minimum of a list
of integers. This is an imperative
view that expresses only one aspect of the following
more general task: Let us describe the relation
between a list of integers and its minimum. In Prolog, we can
define this relation as:
?- list_minimum([3,1,2], M).
M = 1.
?- list_minimum([A,B], 0).
clpz:(B in 0..sup),
clpz:(A in 0..sup).
Thus, when working on search tasks, do not get carried away with
an imperative view. Instead, focus on a clear general
description of all relations you want to define.
In some cases, searching naively is not efficient enough.
Not in Prolog and also not in other languages. Here is
an example: Let us consider
the complete graph of
order n, which is abbreviated
as Kn. Its adjacency list can
be defined as:
Let us now solve the following task: Which nodes are reachable
from a particular node, in a reflexive and transitive way?
Or slightly more generally, what is the reflexive transitive
closure of a set of nodes? In Prolog, we can write this as:
The major drawback of this approach is that it doesn't scale
well. In particular, we have:
?- list_length(_, N), portray_clause(N),
k_n(N, Adjs),
time(setof(To, reachable(Adjs, [], 1, To), Tos)),
% CPU time: 0.171s
% CPU time: 1.454s
% CPU time: 13.628s
This is because the number of paths in this graph
increases super-exponentially in the number
of nodes, and the naive solution
traverses all paths. This approach quickly becomes too
slow, no matter which language you use to implement it.
In this concrete case, we can solve the task in a much more
efficient way. For example, we can use Warshall's algorithm for
computing the transitive closure, with code similar to:
Note how sort/2 is used to remove
duplicates from a list, and to obtain a canonical
representation of the set of nodes that have already
been found.
Sample query:
?- k_n(9, Adjs),
time(warshall(Adjs, [1], Tos)).
% CPU time: 0.000s
Tos = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
; ... .
This is clearly much more efficient. By implementing intelligent
strategies, you can obtain elegant and efficient
Prolog solutions for many search tasks.
Pruning the search
Let us consider the special case of sorting a list
of integers without duplicates. In Prolog, we can implement
this as a relation between two lists. Let us call the
relation integers_ascending/2, to make clear that it can
ideally not only be used to sort, but also to check
and generate solutions. Declaratively, the conditions that
must hold for integers_ascending(Is0, Is) are:
Is0 contains no duplicates
Is is a permutation of Is0
the elements of Is are in ascending order.
We start with part (3), by defining what we mean by a list
of ascending integers:
ascending([I|Is]) :-
foldl(ascending_, Is, I, _).
ascending_(I, Prev, I) :- Prev #< I.
For (2), we assume the availability of a
predicate permutation/2, relating a list to all its
permutations on backtracking. Implementing it is left as an
Using these building blocks, we are ready to
define integers_ascending/2:
This predicate implements a very naive sorting method
called permutation sort: Operationally,
it generates a permutation, and succeeds iff the
elements of the permutation are in ascending order. This
approach is called generate and test. It works well
for small examples, such as:
?- integers_ascending([3,1,2], Is).
Is = [1,2,3]
; false.
However, this method is extremely inefficient for longer
lists: A list of length N has N! permutations, and so
the worst-case running time increases super-exponentially
in the length of the list. For example:
?- time(integers_ascending([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1], Ls)).
% CPU time: 10.109s
Ls = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
; ... .
We can massively improve the running time by reordering the
?- time(integers_ascending([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1], Ls)).
% CPU time: 0.184s
Ls = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
; ... .
By first stating the requirement that the list elements be
in ascending order, the subsequent search for permutations
is automatically
pruned as soon as the system can deduce that any
partially completed permutation can no longer lead to a
full solution because it violates the posted constraints.
Note that even though combining search with early pruning can lead
to tremendous performance improvements over generating all
possibilities, dedicated algorithms that are carefully tailored to
the task at hand are typically even more efficient. For
example, in the concrete case of sorting a list of integers, you
can simply use sort/2 for a
solution with asymptotically optimal performance for a
comparison-based search. On the other hand, the price of
using a specialized algorithm is often generality. For
example, in the following case, sort/2 omits one of the
two possible solutions:
?- sort([X,Y], [1,2]).
X = 1, Y = 2.
In contrast, integers_ascending/2 yields all solutions:
?- integers_ascending([X,Y], [1,2]).
X = 1, Y = 2
; X = 2, Y = 1
; false.
Ceteris paribus, it is good practice to keep your
programs as general as you can.