Fun Facts about Prolog

There is more to say about Prolog than can ever be said. At the same time, you also need to collect your own experiences with the language, and ponder certain aspects for yourself. Here are a few true facts about Prolog to help you begin your own observations and reflections.

Video: Pondering Prolog

Tail recursion often arises naturally

In Prolog, due to the power of logic variables, many predicates can be naturally written in a tail recursive way.

For example, consider again list_list_together/3:
list_list_together([], Bs, Bs).
list_list_together([A|As], Bs, [A|Cs]) :-
        list_list_together(As, Bs, Cs).
It is easy to see that list_list_together(As, Bs, Cs) is a call in a tail position, because no further goal follows. Contrast this with a function like append in Lisp:
(defun append (x y)
  (if x
      (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y))
This version of append is not tail recursive in Lisp, because the recursive call is wrapped within a call of cons and thus not the final function call in this branch.

It is somewhat remarkable that such a basic function is not naturally tail recursive in Lisp, but the corresponding relation is tail recursive in Prolog!

In Prolog, many more predicates are naturally tail recursive.

Tail recursion is sometimes inefficient

In many cases, tail recursion is good for performance: When the predicate is deterministic, a tail call means that the Prolog system can automatically reuse the allocated space of the environment on the local stack. In typical cases, this measurably reduces memory consumption of your programs, from O(N) in the number of recursive calls to O(1). Since decreased memory consumption also reduces the stress on memory allocation and garbage collection, writing tail recursive predicates often improves both space and time efficiency of your Prolog programs.

However, take into account that many Prolog programs are not deterministic. As long as choice points remain, the current environment on the local stack cannot be discarded, because it may still be needed on backtracking.

For example, let us define the relation list_element_rest/3 between a list, one of its elements, and the list without that element:
list_element_rest([L|Ls], L, Ls).
list_element_rest([L|Ls0], E, [L|Ls]) :-
        list_element_rest(Ls0, E, Ls).
Declarative reading:
  1. The relation quite obviously holds for the list [L|Ls], its first element L, and the remainder Ls.
  2. If the relation holds for the list Ls0, one of its elements E, and the remainder Ls, then the relation also holds for [L|Ls0] and E, and the remainder [L|Ls]. This rule is clearly tail recursive, because the recursive call is its only goal.

This predicate is quite versatile. Operationally, we can use it to remove one element from a list, to add an element to a list, and also in several other directions to either generate, complete or test possible solutions. For example:
?- list_element_rest("ab", E, Rest).
   E = a, Rest = "b"
;  E = b, Rest = "a"
;  false.
And also:
?- list_element_rest(Ls, c, "ab").
   Ls = "cab"
;  Ls = "acb"
;  Ls = "abc"
;  false.
In the Prologue for Prolog draft and several Prolog systems, an almost identical predicate is available under the name select/3.

Using list_element_rest/3 as a building block, we now define list_permutation1/2 to describe the relation between a list and one of its permutations:
list_permutation1([], []).
list_permutation1(Ls, [E|Ps]) :-
        list_element_rest(Ls, E, Rs),
        list_permutation1(Rs, Ps).
Note that that this predicate is also tail recursive. Here is an example query:
?- list_permutation1("abc", Ps).
   Ps = "abc"
;  Ps = "acb"
;  Ps = "bac"
;  Ps = "bca"
;  Ps = "cab"
;  Ps = "cba"
;  false.
Let us now run a few benchmarks. We generate all solutions for lists of length 9, 10 and 11:
?- L in 9..11, indomain(L), portray_clause(L),
   length(Ls, L),
   % CPU time: 1.662s
   % CPU time: 16.620s
   % CPU time: 187.939s
Now consider an alternative definition of this relation, which we call list_permutation2/2:
list_permutation2([], []).
list_permutation2([L|Ls0], Ps) :-
        list_permutation2(Ls0, Ls),
        list_element_rest(Ps, L, Ls).
This version is not tail recursive. Let us run the same benchmarks with this new version:
?- L in 9..11, indomain(L), portray_clause(L),
   length(Ls, L),
   % CPU time: 0.344s
   % CPU time: 3.342s
   % CPU time: 36.651s
Note that this version is several times faster in each of the above cases! If you care a lot about performance, try to understand why this is so.

Together with the previous section, this example illustrates that tail recursion does have its uses, yet you should not overemphasize it. For beginners, it is more important to understand termination and nontermination, and to focus on clear declarative descriptions.

Most cuts are red

Almost every time you add a !/0 to your program, it will be a so-called red cut. This means that it will make your program wrong in that it incorrectly omits some solutions only in some usage modes.

This is a tough truth to accept for most Prolog programmers. There always seems hope that we can somehow outsmart the system and get away with green cuts, which improve performance and honor all usage patterns. This hope is quite unfounded, because there typically are simply too many cases to consider, and you will almost invariably forget at least one of them. Especially if you are used to imperative programming, it is easy to fall into the trap of ignoring general cases.

For example, many beginners can correctly write a Prolog predicate that describes a list:
list([_|Ls]) :-
This is a very general relation that works in all directions. For example:
?- list("abc").

?- list(Ls).
   Ls = []
;  Ls = [_A]
;  Ls = [_A,_B]
;  ... .

?- list(true).
After seeing they can actually affect the control flow of Prolog with !/0, many beginners will incorrectly apply this construct in cases where it cuts away solutions.

For example, from a quick first glance, it may appear that the two clauses are mutually exclusive. After all, a list is either empty or has at least one element, right? And so the horror begins when you write:
list([]) :- !. % incorrect!
list([_|Ls]) :-
A quick test case "confirms" that everything still works:
?- list("abc").
The flaw in this reasoning is that the clauses are in fact not mutually exclusive. They are only exclusive if the argument is sufficiently instantiated!

In Prolog, there are more general cases than you may be used to from other programming languages. For example, with the broken definition, we get:
?- list(Ls).
   Ls = []. % incompleteness!
Thus, instead of an infinite set of solutions, the predicate now only describes a single solution!

To truly benefit from declarative programming, stay in the pure subset. Use pattern matching or meta-predicates like if_/3 to efficiently express logical alternatives while retaining full generality of your relations.

flatten/2 is no relation

In some introductory Prolog courses, you will be required to implement a predicate called flatten/2.

In such cases, consider the following query:
?- flatten(Xs, Ys).
What is a valid answer in such situations? Suppose your predicate answers as follows:
Ys = [Xs].
From a declarative point of view, this answer is wrong! The reason is that Xs may as well be a list, and in such cases, the result is not flattened! Witness the evidence for yourself:
?- flatten(Xs, Ys), Xs = "a".
   Xs = "a", Ys = ["a"].
Thus, Y is not a flat list, but a nested list! In contrast, exchanging the goals yields:
?- Xs = "a", flatten(Xs, Ys).
   Xs = Ys, Ys = "a".
This means that exchanging the order of goals changes the set of solutions.

Your instructor should be able to understand this fundamental declarative shortcoming if you point it out. In practice, use append/2 to remove precisely one level of nesting in a sound way.

Iterative deepening is often a good strategy

Prolog's default search strategy is incomplete, and we can often easily make it complete by turning it into iterative deepening. This means that we search for solutions of depth 0, then for those of depth 1, then for those of depth 2, etc.

From a quick first glance, this may seem very inefficient to you, because we are visiting the same solutions over and over, although we need each of them only once.

Now consider a search tree of depth k, with a branching factor of b. With iterative deepening up to and including depth k, we visit the root node k+1 times, since we start at depth 0, and revisit the root in each iteration, up to k. Further, we visit the b nodes at depth 1 exactly k times. In general, we visit the bj nodes at depth j (0≤jk) exactly k+1−j times.

Let us now sum this up to calculate the total number of visits: b0(k+1) + b1k + b2(k−1) + … +bk.

Now the point: This sum is asymptotically dominated (Exercise: Why?) by the number of visits at the final depth k, where we visit bk nodes, each exactly once. This shows that iterative deepening is in fact an asymptotically optimal search strategy under very general assumptions, because every uninformed search strategy must visit these bk nodes at least once for completeness.

It also shows that people usually underestimate what exponential growth really means. If you find yourself in a situation where you really need to traverse such a search tree, iterative deepening is often a very good strategy, combining the memory efficiency of depth-first search with the completeness of breadth-first search. In addition, iterative deepening is easy to implement in Prolog via its built-in backtracking.

Note that iterative deepening requires monotonicity!

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