Engineering Aspects

Prolog Development Environment

There are several good development environments with special support for Prolog coding.

For example, see PceProlog to configure GNU Emacs for Prolog.

The comp.lang.prolog FAQ contain pointers to several additional environments.

Prolog systems ship with different features that make compiling and consulting your code easier. For example, in SWI-Prolog, you can invoke the built-in predicate make/0 to reconsult all source files. This feature works to various degrees, depending on other features you are using. Using ediprolog, you can stay in the Emacs buffer, and interact with Prolog directly in the buffer.

I recommend you use the system that works best for you, i.e., I recommend you use Emacs for Prolog development. Make sure to configure your keyboard so that you can use Caps Lock as an additional Ctrl key! In my experience, Emacs is most usable with a Dvorak keyboard layout.

Video: Prolog development with GNU Emacs

Module Systems

For programming in the large, and even for programming in the medium, and even for several other kinds of programming, you will want to make use of your Prolog's module system to separate logical units of code.

Different Prolog implementations support different kinds of module systems. Notably, there are functor-based module systems and predicate-based module systems, with different consequences and trade-offs. It is very hard to design a module system and think all consequences through. Usually, conflicting requirements are imposed on a module system: On the one hand, you want to use modules to separate concerns, and on the other hand, you want to support code introspection and other features that run counter to true separation. Therefore, typical module systems are ultimately inconsistent, yet useful for structuring your source files and avoiding name conflicts.

Using a particular module system is usually very straight-forward. Essentially, you typically place a module/2 (or similar) directive in your source file, such as:
:- module(my_nice_module, [first_exported_predicate/2,
where the various exported predicates are listed by their predicate indicators (name and arity). In Prolog files that use a module, you place a corresponding use_module/1 (or similar) directive, such as:
:- use_module(my_nice_module).
A major advantage is that the internal predicates of my_nice_module cannot cause conflicts with internal predicates of other programs and modules.

Timing and Profiling

Different Prolog systems provide different ways to time and profile your predicates. For example, in Scryer Prolog, you can use the predicate time/1 from library(time) to measure the run time of any goal. For example:
?- time((X in 0..1_000,indomain(X),false)).
   % CPU time: 0.389s
SWI-Prolog ships with a very nice profiler which you can invoke via profile/1. Simply supply the goal you want to profile as an argument. Other systems such as SICStus Prolog also ship with a built-in profiler.

Most Prolog systems provide the predicate statistics/2 which you can use to take your own measurements. For example, we can define the relation between a goal and the CPU time it takes until it succeeds:
goal_time(Goal, T) :-
        statistics(runtime, [T0|_]),
        statistics(runtime, [T1|_]),
        T #= T1 - T0.
We can now obtain the CPU time (in milliseconds) of any goal Goal via the query:
?- goal_time(Goal, Time).
I highly recommend such tools to measure the performance of your predicates.

Exceptions and Errors

Prolog supports raising and handling exceptions. As the name implies, this mechanism is useful to handle exceptional situations. Some of these situations are already prescribed in the ISO standard. The most important ones are: There is a very important semantic difference between these exceptions: Declaratively, a type or domain error can be replaced by silent failure, because no further constraint you add to the (monotonic) program can turn such a situation into success. On the other hand, an instantiation error must not be replaced by silent failure, because there could still be solutions in such cases, and adding further constraints may reveal them.

Here are two examples that illustrate these cases:
?- X #= a.
ERROR: Domain error: `clpfd_expression' expected, found `a'

?- X in Y.
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
It is easy to see that adding further constraints can make the second query succeed:
?- Y = 0..5, X in Y.
Y = 0..5,
X in 0..5.
However, no additional goal can ever make X #= a succeed, and therefore this domain error could also be replaced by failure.

In exceptional situations, exceptions are typically more useful than silent failure, because they let you reason about the cause of the problem.

You can use the standard predicate throw/1 to raise an exception, and the standard predicate catch/3 to handle exceptions.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are an extremely important tool to detect regressions in your code.

Prolog is eminently well-suited to formulate and run unit tests. Using declarative descriptions and Prolog's built-in backtracking mechanism, you can quickly formulate tests that cover a vast range of possible tests. Essentially, state what ought to hold, and then simply run these queries to test whether it does hold.

There is a unit testing framework called PlUnit that is available for SWI-Prolog and for SICStus Prolog.

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